Category: All purpose flour
Episode of the Madeleine
My list of draft posts is pretty big. So time to recollect those recipes from my memory and write them down. First one is about Madeleines inspired by Dagelijkse Kost.
Vegi what?!
I got my food mojo back. There, I have said it! It feels liberating. It’s about time for some new ideas and experiments. I started off with some vegi craziness, Gobi Manchurian inspired by Sunshine and Smile.
The world upside down
Sometimes the simplest ideas are often best. Of course the Tarte Tatin is a great example of that, turning your apple tart upside down. I took a spin on that and made some upside down apple cakes, inspired by Wikipedia.
Sharing sweets
It’s always great to share food with people you like, especially sweets. This weekend I had a good reason to share some sweets, a really nice sunny day at the park. I made some muffins with red currant for this occasion, inspired by Noms I Must
Still twenty something
A couple of months ago I celebrated my birthday. Not a big party but I had another thing to do. The last few years it was a habit to bring along home made birthday cakes to work. This year wasn’t an exception. I made a Spanish almond cake, inspired by Koken & Genieten
I loaf Christmas
Just like making Snert, I have another tradition at the end of every year. I tend to make a bread loaf with fruit, it’s called a Kerststol. Recipe was inspired by Het Nieuwe Kookboek.
Blue inspiration
Lately I’ve been getting some inspiration from my colleagues at work. Discussing food and sharing thoughts. One of them gave me copy of a menu from a famous Dutch restaurant Ron Blaauw. It inspired me to make a baba au whiskey.
TGRWT #20 Fall of the chicken
Finally, I got an entry for TGRWT again. Round #20 is hosted by @docsconz, annoucement post can be found overhere. The pairing is pumpkin & cooked chicken. I made a sandwich, inspired by Edibele Ventures.
Cut the mustard
I must admit, I’m a big fan of mustard. I try to use this ingredient a lot of times. This time I made a mustard soup, inspired by The Daily Spud.
Leftover marmalade pudding
One of the fun parts of living together with students is that you frequently get new inspiration. Yesterday for example I got offered some leftover orange marmalade. I decided to make a pudding, inspired by Foodpairing & Allerhande.