Category: Lemon
Episode of the Madeleine
My list of draft posts is pretty big. So time to recollect those recipes from my memory and write them down. First one is about Madeleines inspired by Dagelijkse Kost.
Still twenty something
A couple of months ago I celebrated my birthday. Not a big party but I had another thing to do. The last few years it was a habit to bring along home made birthday cakes to work. This year wasn’t an exception. I made a Spanish almond cake, inspired by Koken & Genieten
Hyperactive presentation
In the beginning of the year I borrowed a cookbook from a friend. It is a cookbook from a famous dutch chef named Pierre Wind. In honor of his work I created a salmon salad. The salad was inspired by recipes from Sprouted Kitchen & De wondere wereld van de Keukenkoning.
New style lunchentach
With the beginning of the new year I had some resolutions. One of them was to bring more variation in my lunch. I wanted to eat less bread and more other stuff. So that’s why on one of my first work days I created a roasted bell pepper salad. Inspired by a recipe from Allerhande.
Valencian paella
Last night I had a planned monthly diner with some friends. The bad weather didn’t hold us back to prepare some summer style food so we decided to make a paella. A paella inspired by the Valencian one on Wikipedia.
Sweet bacon samosa
Last year I already tried to reproduce the samosas I had at Sziget Festival a couple of years ago. But this time I used phyllo and another stuffing. I tried to create a sweet bacon samosa inspired by a recipe from Allerhande.
Een tijd geleden kwam ik een interessante post van Matthijs tegen op de Keuken tegenover het rommelhok. Het ging over het klaren van boter. Uiteraard wilde ik dit ook eens gaan proberen. Uiteindelijk de geklaarde boter verwerkt in een Hollandaise saus naar recept van het wikibook Cookbook.
WCC #25 Lemon risotto
A while ago I came across a post about a foodblogevent called Weekend Cookbook Challenge, it was published on Foodie Chickie. This round of WCC is all about recipes from the famous Nigella Lawson. I also gave it a try, I made a lemon risotto, inspired of course by Nigella Lawson.
Marquis de Seillan
De Marquis de Seillan lag al een tijd te wachten op consumptie. Vandaag was het zover, deze wijn zou het slachtoffer zijn van het proeven op maandag. In de Wine library TV-stijl welteverstaan. Grote glazen, goede kaas, sniffy sniffs, whirls, tasty tastes, niks ontbrak.
Possetten experiment
Ilona’s reactie wees me op het feit dat ik nog eens zou gaan variëren met de lemon posset. Wederom geïnspireerd door M’s blog ben ik aan de slag gegaan met een klein experiment.